To Jack, right-turn-on-red
was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He was a person on the go, a man in
a hurry. To him every city intersection was just one more obstacle standing
between him and his next appointment. Right-turn-on-red was his license to
never stand still. Moving, moving, keep that car moving. Bad habits breed bad
results, and right-turn-on-red soon progressed to "rolling stop through
red" and "ignore NO-right-turn-on-red warnings." He finally came
to his senses the day he was broadsided by a city bus and spent several weeks
stuck in his hospital bed.
City driving is filled with hassles and
delays, but these minor inconveniences aren't going to be avoided through
reckless or rude behavior. The best advice is to maintain a calm and patient
About 50 percent of all city driving
collisions occur at intersections, usually because a driver failed to yield
the right-of-way. An Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study reports
that red-light runners are responsible for an estimated 170,000 injuries every
year, about 900 of which are fatal. Worse, the number of deaths related to red
light running is rising! To keep intersections safe, remember these tips:
· The vehicle on the left always yields to
the vehicle on the right.
· Rolling stops can be a dangerous habit.
You can miss spotting a vehicle and cause a collision.
· As you approach a "stale green light"
cover the brake with your foot and be prepared to stop. Indications of a stale
light include: traffic flowing smoothly, considerable cross-traffic, blinking
pedestrian signals, and people standing on the corner.
· When a red light turns green, check to
see that traffic has stopped on the intersecting street. Look left, then right,
then scan left before you proceed. You invite disaster if you don't check for
oncoming vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.
· Turning right on a red light is allowed
only when it is legal, your vehicle has come to a complete stop, traffic is
clear, and pedestrians are clear of the crosswalk. Always take the few extra
moments to look for a no-turn-on-red sign.
· When you encounter a yellow light, always
stop if it is safe to do so. The purpose of a yellow light is to allow you time
to clear an intersection you have already entered, not one you are
· A lack of consideration can cause
trouble. Demanding the right of way can lead to a confrontation that benefits
no one.
· Keep your eyes moving for potential
problems such as children playing, cyclists, pets, and cars backing from
· Establish a high visual horizon. You
should be able to see one block ahead of you.
· Blind spots are everywhere. If you can't
see beyond an object, slow down or change lanes to improve your vision.
· Don't tailgate. Maintain at least a three
second following distance.
· When waiting to make a left turn, point
your wheels straight ahead. If you are hit from behind with your wheels turned
to the left, you would be forced into traffic.
· Whenever possible, avoid getting boxed
in. Speed up or slow down as required.
· Don't fiddle with the radio or other
nonessential equipment in heavy traffic.
· If a left turn is risky because of heavy
traffic or poor vision, make a right turn and use an alternate route.
· Always check
behind your car. Pedestrians and small children can be hidden from your view.
· Use your
outside mirrors to help your vision.
· Do not back
into busy streets, highways and pedestrian crosswalks.
· Keep your foot
firmly on the brake before shifting into reverse.
· Back slowly. Glance
over each shoulder out the windows.